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Teaching Islamic Education

Teaching Islamic Education

Stemming from the University's belief in the important role of Islamic education in the life of individuals, the University developed a B.A. in Teaching Islamic Education to disseminate knowledge in Islam. The University considered the latest international standards of quality while implementing the academic and administrative aspects of the major to produce highly qualified teachers who can utilize scientific research, latest teaching techniques and acquired competencies to advance teaching in the field of Islamic education. The Department designed a comprehensive and integrated study plan that matches theory with practice and provide in-depth knowledge about Islam and its teaching methodologies. Moreover, students don’t need to obtain a teacher training diploma since they already have the necessary courses at the B.A. level to qualify them as teachers.

Teaching at private and public sectors.

Preacher and Imam.

Teacher at special centers and institutes for memorizing and reciting Quran.


The Department is also keen on equipping students with skills of efficient planning, assessment, follow up and implementation, as well as matching theory with practice. Furthermore, The Department promotes applied research in its academic program to find solutions and recommendations for challenges of education in Palestine.

The Department aims to provide in-depth knowledge of Islam and its values and teaching to facilitate students’ mission as prospective teachers of Islamic Education.

  1. Introduce the right approach to Identify and deal with suitable primary and secondary knowledge resources in the field of teaching Islamic Education.
  2. Prepare qualified teachers who use the latest techniques and knowledge to teach Islamic Education.
  3. Introduce important Islamic thinkers and scientists who contributed in to enriching the Islamic civilization and other cultures.
  4. Introduce modern teaching techniques and methodologies.
  5. Analyze curriculum and textbooks of Islamic education which are taught at schools to explore their design, and to plan suitable syllabus for classes.
  6. Promote self-learning approach and increase students’ thirst for knowledge.
  7. Promote scientific research.
  8. Promote extra curriculum activities.
  9. Promote effective interaction in the school environment in particular and in the community in general.

Courses Description

0101 Learn How to Learn, 3 credit hours (theoretical)

This course deals with the practical and main skills that the students need during their study. The course is an interactive content that aids the student employ teaching and learning resources even after graduation and enables them to schedule their lectures, access independent learning and design planning sessions. The course highlights the open learning approach taking al-Quds Open University as a model, highlights the learning strategies, employs learning and teaching resources in building knowledge and uses the tools of communication skills. 

0102 Computer, 3 credit hours (2 theoretical, 1 practical)

This course deals with the main concepts of computers, the development of computer science, its classifications, components, and features in terms of rapidness in performance, storing, processing and retrieving data. 

0104 History of Jerusalem, 3 credit hours (theoretical)

This course helps the students explore and understand the history of the city of Jerusalem, as the city has always been prominent throughout history; and holds a special place in the three monotheistic religions. The course addresses the following topics: The historical geography of Jerusalem, Jerusalem history under the Islamic conquest until the end of the Umayyad state, the conditions of the City from the beginning of the Abbasid state until the battle of Hattin, Jerusalem under the Ayyubid and Mamluk periods, Jerusalem in the Ottoman era, and finally Jerusalem history under the British Mandate till present.

0105 Voluntary Work, 0 Credit hours

This course aims to acquire students with the culture of voluntary work and enhance their national belonging. This is applied through the completion of 50 credit hours of voluntary work that corresponds to the needs of the Palestinian community, its public and private institutions, including the University facilities and needs.

0106    Life Skills, 3 credit hours (theoretical)

This course aims to provide students with direct experiences through face to face interaction with people and life phenomena, which gives them the ability to integrate what they learn, by presenting life skills within the framework of what was proposed by the UNICEF including the following areas: Management skills, cognitive skills, social skills, team work skills, in addition to a set of other important skills for the student.

0111 Arabic Language 1, 3 credit hours

This course aims at raising the competencies of students in employing the Arabic language and its diverse genres. The course includes 8 chapters: the phonetic level, morphological level, lexical level, grammatical level, stylistic level, written level, reading: silent and oral, listening, composition: oral and written.

0113 English (1):  3 Credit Hours

This course is prepared and written by a team of professional teachers of English language aiming at integrating state-of-the art technology into learning and teaching English as a foreign language as well as improving students' ability to communicate fluently in English language. This course also tries to rely on best teaching practices and adopts learner-centered approach where students work as groups and individuals to explore problems and become active learners rather than passive knowledge recipients and ultimately, students can construct their own knowledge.

Towards this end, this course is based on active learning and teaching strategies such as collaborative learning, inquiry based learning, project-based learning, task-based learning, flip learning, group and pair discussion. The course also seeks to enhance students' linguistic skills. Therefore, the course is comprised of eight units: six major units and two revision units. Each unit contains three reading texts followed by a number of activities and exercises to be carried out by students to ensure active participation.

0205 Palestine and the Palestinian Cause, 3 credit hours (theoretical)

This course aims at exploring the cultural identity of Palestine throughout history, in order to understand its historical, political, geographical and religious dimensions. It also focuses on the historical and ideological backgrounds, interests and objectives of the conflicting parties in the Palestinian cause, in order to understand the reality and events in Palestine, to form opinions and stands.

0206 Islamic Culture, 3 credit hours (theoretical)

The course tackles a number of intellectual issues that are directly related to the contemporary reality and its challenges. The course focuses on the basic principles of the Islamic culture, including the comprehensive Islamic view and the holistic humane aspects, the relation between Allah (God) and humans as well as the relations among humankind, in addition to the society and its relation to the location. The course also sheds the light on the technical linguistic, social legislative and scientific prodigy in the Quran. The course discusses the vitality of Islamic thought and jurisprudence that adapts to the changing conditions and times in accordance with the Islamic principles.

0115 Principles of Chinese Language, 3 credit hours

This course deals with the principles and basics of the Chinese language in terms of pronunciation and writings, employ the most common vocabulary in sentences and structures. The course provides the mechanism of using the language in the learner's public and private life, such as introducing himself and writing a short and simple CV.

0116 Principles of the Turkish Language, 3 credit hours

This course deals with the principles and basics of the Turkish language in terms of pronunciation and writings, employ the most common vocabulary in sentences and structures. The course provides the mechanism of using the language in the learner's public and private life, such as introducing himself and writing a short and simple CV.

0117 Principles of the Russian Language, 3 credit hours

This course deals with the principles and basics of the Russian language in terms of pronunciation and writings, employ the most common vocabulary in sentences and structures. The course provides the mechanism of using the language in the learner's public and private life, such as introducing himself and writing a short and simple CV.

0207 Prisoners Movement, 3 credit hours (theoretical)    

This course deals with documenting the prisoners movement history and its stages from 1967-2016, particularly after the first intifada as the number of detainees increased dramatically. The course sheds lights on the suffering of the prisoners inside the prison and the repressive measures such as isolation, deprivation and trials in addition to the hunger strikes and the detention experiences. Such examples are strikes, organizing prisoners, prisoners learning, prisoners’ visits, arrests, the feminist prisoner movement in Palestine, and their role in the national movement “entrepreneur women prisoners”, the local community, prisoners’ rehabilitation, learning and integration in the community. The course also highlights the issue of defending the prisoners’ rights, the international protection “the international law”, ICRC organization, Amnesty and their reports, which condemn the occupation treatment of the Palestinian prisoners.  

0208 Anti-Corruption: Challenges and Solutions, 3 Credit Hours 

This course deals with the concept of corruption, its aspects, causes, motives and measurement indicators whether it was administrative and took the form of bribery or financial corruption which is manifested by abusing public finance through embezzlement. The course deals with political corruption and methods of combating it. The course deals with the ethical nature of the public jobs, the code of conduct and the offenses of abusing the civil servant for his own benefit or others.

0211 French Language (1), 3 credit hours

This course as an elective focuses on the fundamentals of French Language, alphabets, conjugating words, singular and plural, parts of speech: pronouns, verbs, subject and object. These fundamentals will enable students write about himself (name, age, nationality ,residence and hobbies) in addition to short of informal and formal speech

The teaching method is interactive that depends on understanding the terminology through images and signals, motivate the student to speak French, in addition to employing websites that include interactive exercises.

0300 Human Civilizations and Their Achievements, 3 credit hours (theoretical)

This course defines the concept of civilization in general, and introduces its origins, manifestations, roles, expansion, and other topics related to the philosophy of civilization. The course also sheds the light on the prominent civilizations in a chronological order, starting from ancient civilizations to the modern technological era.

0306 Social Responsibility, 3 credit hours 

This course aims at presenting a comprehensive overview on social responsibility in terms of: definition, dimensions, development, and methods of realizing it at universities and institutions. The course aims at acquiring students with knowledges supported with practical practices. These practices are characterized by integrity and accountability as per a unified vision to find novel systems which include quality standards to suit the requirements of the future. The course as well aims to show the role of the voluntary and charitable work with the help of the three sectors: the public, private and civil in order to overcome the problems of the community according to a specific, integrated policy.

8180  Hebrew 1, 3 credit hours (theoretical)

This course acquaints the student with the basic skills in modern Hebrew language such as the alphabet, Diacritics in Hebrew, writing, reading, cursive and print styles alphabet, singular and plural nouns, as well as masculine and feminine nouns. Students are expected to learn approx. 500 terms in Hebrew to enable them to read short texts in Hebrew and compose simple sentences related to the Palestinian culture.

5103 Education Curriculum, 3 credit hours (theoretical)

This course focuses on the concept, elements, basis, design and evaluation of educational curriculum, in addition to its development. The course also introduces textbooks and their guides.

5114 Educational Psychology, 3 credit hours (theoretical)

This course seeks to introduce students to the most prominent research and theories on the learning-education process. It discusses behavioral, cognitive, socio-cognitive, and socio-cultural approaches, as well as modern theories and their applications in education. The course also sheds light on educational environment, teaching methods, various factors and motivations, transfer of learning and training, long-term and short-term memory, forgetfulness, intelligence, problem solving and creativity. This course seeks to provide the student with knowledge on methods of learning and teaching taking into account students’ abilities, preferences, readiness and individual differences

5300 Educational Technology, 3 credit hours (2 theoretical, 1 practical)

This course seeks to develop the knowledge and skills obtained through educational technology, and instruct students on how to employ educational technologies in the teaching and learning processes. In this course, students are introduced to the main concepts of educational technology, educational activities, multimedia, technological curriculum, educational design, computer and the Internet.

5302 Teaching Design, 3 credit hours (theoretical)

Prerequisite: 5300 Educational Technology

This course focuses on the concept of teaching design, and its theoretical background and models. The course also introduces students to the methods of identifying general educational goals and specific behavioral goals, in addition to analyzing the external and internal conditions of education as well as the educational content and its organizing principles. The course sheds light on test design and identifying educational strategies, material, means, and activities. The course also instructs students on designing mind stimulating activities, formative evaluation, and collective evaluation.

5303 Methods of Scientific Research, 3 credit hours (theoretical)

Scientific research is the most feasible and effective method of problem-solving as it is characterized by organization, clarity, and objectivity. It searches for alternatives according to certain criteria to evaluate their effectiveness in an objective manner. Thus, it is beneficial for individual to solve problems and challenges. The course seeks to introduce students to research methods to provide them with the necessary skills to conduct a research, through introducing the following topics: Research’s methods, types, problem, hypotheses, design, population, sample, tools for collecting data, and report writing.

5320 Measurement and Evaluation in Learning and Teaching, 3 credit hours (theoretical)

This course focuses on the basic concepts of measurement and evaluation and their role in teaching. It also discusses the areas of measurement and its methods, in addition to designing and planning test 1, test 2 and test 3. It also introduces students to conducting and correcting tests, and the characteristics of a good test, in addition to basics in statistics for measurement and evaluation.

5001 Memorizing the Holy Quran Part 30, 0 credit hours 

In this course, the student should memorize part 30 of the Holy Quran. He will be asked to take a test in 5 topics related to this part in front of a specialized committee. He will be given a passing mark if he can recite them without mistakes or a failing mark if he makes more than 5 linguistic mistakes.

5002 Memorizing the Holy Quran Part 29, 0 credit hours 

In this course, the student should memorize part 29 of the Holy Quran. He will be asked to take a test in 5 topics related to this part in front of a specialized committee. He will be given a passing mark if he can recite them without mistakes or a failing mark if he makes more than 5 linguistic mistakes.

5003 Memorizing the Holy Quran Part 28, 0 credit hours 

In this course, the student should memorize part 28 of the Holy Quran. He will be asked to take a test in 5 topics related to this part in front of a specialized committee. He will be given a passing mark if he can recite them without mistakes or a failing mark if he makes more than 5 linguistic mistakes.

5004 Memorizing the Holy Quran Part 2, 0 credit hours 

In this course, the student should memorize part 2 of the Holy Quran. He will be asked to take a test in 5 topics related to this part in front of a specialized committee. He will be given a passing mark if he can recite them without mistakes or a failing mark if he makes more than 5 linguistic mistakes.

5005 Memorizing the Holy Quran Part 27, 0 credit hours 

In this course, the student should memorize part 27 of the Holy Quran. He will be asked to take a test in 5 topics related to this part in front of a specialized committee. He will be given a passing mark if he can recite them without mistakes or a failing mark if he makes more than 5 linguistic mistakes.

5121 Qur’anic Studies, 3 credit hours (theoretical)   

This course aims to introduce students to the holy Quran and the main topics related to it. The topics that will be tackled are: The Meccan and the Medinan Surahs, how it was revealed, the reasons for revelation, it’s writing, collection, arrangement and translation, atlas, verdict, similarity, transcriber, readings, the seven letters, and its language in terms of the eloquence of its words, rhetoric, style, and Arabic origin, and finally parsing.

5123 Islamic Creed  1, 3 credit hours (theoretical)  

This course focuses on the concept of Islamic creed and its features, the concept of faith and its nullifiers, the concept of monotheism of Allah and its types, the position of Islamic sects and attributes of the names of Allah, the belief in the angels and their functions, the impact of having faith in angels in the life of a believer, the belief in the holy books and their numbers, and the characteristics of the Holy Quran.

5124 The Jurisprudence (Fiqh) of Worship 1, 3 credit hours (theoretical).

This course deals with the rules of purification: Wudu (ablution), Tayammum (dry ablution), washing (masah) feet and wiping over socks, Ghusl, rulings pertaining to women during periods and postnatal period, najis (ritually unclean), and prayers rulings: Times, pillars, preconditions, how to perform prayers, Sunnah and Fard prayers, Taraweeh prayer, al-Khawf (fear) prayer, al-Istisqa prayer (prayer for rainfall), al-Janazah prayer (funeral, the burial of the dead), combining prayers (al-Jam’), shortening prayer (al-Qasr). In addition to the rulings of fasting: Fact, ruling, validity, preconditions, nullifiers, Sunah, Wajib, fasting breaking, obligations of fasting, Qada’, Fidyah and Kaffarah (make up for missed fasting, donation, and penance).

5126 The Jurisprudence (Fiqh) of Worship 2, 3 credit hours (theoretical)

Prerequisite: 5124 The Jurisprudence (Fiqh) of Worship 1

This course deals with the provisions of Zakat (alms-giving) in terms of its definition, preconditions, prohibitions, amounts, types, and pillars. It focuses on the bonds and shares Zakat and expenses. The course tackles Zakat al-Fitr (charity for the poor), its rulings, time, amount, and expenditure. It dwells on the Hajj, its fact, rulings, conditions, time, pillars, Sunnah, Qurban (animal sacrifice) as well as the Umrah (pilgrimage), its definition, rulings, conditions, pillars, and Sunnah.

5127 Islamic Creed 2, 2 credit hours (2 theoretical)

Prerequisite: 5123 Islamic Creed 1

This course focuses on faith in the messengers by explaining the difference between the Prophet and the Messenger, and between prophethood and belief, with an introduction to the phenomenon of revelation, types, audio and scientific evidence, and the characteristics of the prophets and their miracles, with an introduction to Baha’i and Qadianism and how to respond to them, and believing in the Judgement Day in terms of introducing its evidence, minor and major signs, facts, the effect of believing in it on the souls. It also tackles believing in destiny with an explanation of the difference between judgment and destiny and the speakers’ doctrines in the direction, choice, guidance, delusion, and the impact of faith in the life of the believer.

5220 Quran Recitation 1, 2 credit hours (1 theoretical, 1 practical)

This course deals with the definition, provisions, and types of tajweed, and the application of the tajweed rules, in addition to the sound recitation of some parts of the Holy Quran (26-30).

5221 Fiqh of the Prophet’s Life, 3 credit hours (theoretical)

This course deals with the importance of Prophet Mohammad’s Biography, the methods of writing it, the approach of the Messenger in the following areas: Disseminating and communicating the call, provision of education, his dealings with his family, companions, and members of his parish (Muslims and non-Muslims), and his approach to Jihad.

5223 Principles of Jurisprudence (Fiqh) 1, 3 credit hours (theoretical)

This course deals with the definition of the principles of Jurisprudence sciences, the relationship between it sciences, topics, goals, and the ruling, in terms of definition and types. It also tackles the Mukallaf (the accountable person) in terms of commissioning conditions, eligibility of the person, eligibility and its divisions, and effects. The course dwells on the sources of basic legal rulings: The Book, the Sunnah, consensus, analogy, and the sources of the deriving legal rulings: Approval, interest’s prohibition or permission, stopping excuses, custom, prescribed by us, the work of the people of Medina.

5224  Exegesis, 3 credit hours (theoretical)

This course deals with the science of Tafsir (interpretation) and its approaches, focusing on explaining Surah “an-Nur”, “Mohammad”, and “Yusuf”. The students have to memorize surah “Mohmmad” and Surah “an-Nour”, including their jurisprudential rulings, readings, rhetorical images, and their overall and detailed meanings.

5225  Quran Recitation 2, 2 credit hours (1 theoretical, 1 practical)

Prerequisite: 5220 Quran Recitation 1

This course deals with the rules of recital and intonation of the Quran, such as phonology, characteristics, thick and thin folds, the echo sounds, incorporation of similar, convergent and homogeneous sounds, endowment and initiation rulings, as well as the five parts (21-25) of the Quran.

5226 Jurisprudence (Fiqh) of a Personal Status 1, 3 credit hours (theoretical)

This course deals with some aspects related to family affairs in terms of its importance and concept, highlighting the role of woman and man, the importance of woman in establishing a family, and the laws that Allah set to protect the rights of women, in addition to the provisions of engagement and its impacts, marriage contract, divorce, separation and its implications, as well as birthrights in terms of lineage, nursing, custody, and alimony.

5227 Principles of Jurisprudence (Fiqh) 2, 3 credit hours (theoretical)

Prerequisite:5223 Principles of Jurisprudence (Fiqh) 1

This course deals with utterance investigations in terms of verbal connotations, expressions like inclusion, copying, contradiction and weighting, diligence and imitation, and Fatwas.

5228 Hadith Studies, 3 credit hours (theoretical)

This course deals with the science of hadith narration and study, explaining the difference between hadith and the Sunnah, news and impact, and examining the efforts of our first scholars in the field of codifying the Sunnah and their approach to controlling the narration through the conditions they set. It also deals with the narration of the Hadith in terms of its description, divisions, proses, and the defiance of our scientists.

5229 Hadith Authentication, 3 credit hours, (theoretical)

Prerequisite: 5228 Hadith Studies

This course deals with the importance of Hadith authentication and its benefits, the main books, and the approaches of authentication from the beginning of the Hadith, its terms, topics, narration, corpus and script, referencing, and improving the students’ skills in authenticating the Hadith through practical application.

5321 The Ruling System in Islam, 3 credit hours (theoretical)

This course deals with the laws that govern the ruling system in Islam, the difference between the state and nation, the main components of the state (population, homeland, authority), identify the role of the state president in Islam in terms of his preconditions, duties, methods of assigning authority to him, how his mandate ends, the ministry in Islamic history,  types of minsters and their jobs, and finally the legislative and judicial branches.

5323 Inimitability of the Quran, 3 credit hours (theoretical)

This course deals with the meaning of miracle and Quranic inimitability, defiance, the attempts of some Arabs to oppose the Quran, identifying the inimitability of the Quran and the related opinions of scholars, and the types of inimitability of the Quran from a linguistic perspective with illustrations.

5324 Jurisprudence (Fiqh) of Transaction 1, 3 credit hours (theoretical) 

This course aims at acquainting the students with the Fiqh of transaction topics in terms of their rulings, evidence, structure, terms of validity, divisions, justifiable jurisprudential applications. The course also deals with sale and its types, usury, expenditure, lease, pawning, pre-emption, retaining, proxies, transfer, etc.

5326 Jurisprudence (Fiqh) of a Personal Status 2, 3 credit hours (theoretical)

 Prerequisite: 5226 Jurisprudence (Fiqh) of a Personal Status 1

This course deals with the rights related to legacies in terms of wills and inheritances, including the terms and concepts related to these two topics, with an explanation of the terms and conditions of wills, their pillars, types, nullities, multiple wills, and inheritance in terms of its legitimacy, causes and conditions, types of heirs, in addition to providing the students with the needed skills in addressing the inheritance issues considering the provisions of jurisprudence and law in this regard.

5327 The Jurisprudence (Fiqh) of Transaction 2, 3 credit hours (theoretical)

Prerequisite: 5324 The Jurisprudence (Fiqh) of Transaction 1

This course aims at introducing students to the jurisprudence of transaction in terms of its rulings, proofs, formulas, conditions of validity, and jurisprudential applications that clarify such kind of dealings in ordinary companies, donations, trust, endowment, etc.

5421 International Relations in Islam, 3 credit hours (theoretical)

This course deals with the concept of international law in the Islamic Jurisprudence and the contemporary systems,  the sources of International law in Islam and the jurisprudential division of the world into dar al-Islam, dar al-Harb, dar al-‘Ahd, Jihad in Islam and its objectives and the ethics of fighting in Islam, the impact of war on the enemy’s persons and properties, in addition to treaties in Islam in terms of their concept, legality, conditions and political representations such as their development, missions, ambassadors, conditions and characteristics, and the disruption of political representation in Islam.

5423 Jurisprudence (Fiqh) of Punishment, 3 credit hours (theoretical)

This course deals with crime, punishment, and the general principles in Islamic criminal legislation. It deals with the following concepts: Hudud crimes (boundaries), the legitimacy of the had (boundary), its ruling, the condition of its establishment, how to prove it, its implications. The course highlights the hudud crimes such as apostasy, adultery, defamation, drinking, theft, etc., in addition to felonies such as suicide, amputation, abortion, Diya (financial compensation paid to victims) and its provisions, types of murder crimes, etc.

5424  Teaching Methods in Islamic Education, 3 credit hours (theoretical)

Prerequisite: 5204 General Methods of Teaching and Training

This course deals with the concept of the curriculum, its objectives and characteristics, the sources of teaching and learning in Islamic education, and the methods of teaching it by presenting applied models for analyzing the content of the units of study, as well as applied models for lessons for topics in the Holy Quran, creed, Hadith, jurisprudence, Prophet’s biography, ethics, and discipline.

5426 Comparative Religions, 3 credit hours (theoretical)

This course focuses on religion: Its meaning, inclination and originality of religiosity, the critique of social studies regarding the emergence of religions, the importance of the comparative study of religions, the study of Judaism including its origins, sacred books and criticism, the relationship with Zionism, Christianity such as its origins, sacred books and criticism, differences, the religions of India such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism.

International Program:
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